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Pension Payment CalendarCheck mailed March 27Direct deposit March 31

Disability Retirement Eligibility

In the event a Member of COAERS becomes disabled because of a medical condition, he or she may be entitled to receive amonthly disability retirement benefit.

A Disability Retirement Application Packet should be completed by Members applying for disability retirement benefits in compliance with COAERS governing statute, Article 6243n, Tex.Rev.Civ.Stat.

Eligibility for Disability Retirement

To be eligible for disability retirement benefits with COAERS, you must meet the following conditions:

  1. Be an active-contributing or inactive-contributing Member; or
  2. Be on approved medical leave of absence; or
  3. **If terminated from City employment, make application for disability retirement benefits within 90 days of termination; and
  4. Have a minimum of five years Creditable Service in COAERS unless the disability is the direct result of an on-the-job injury/illness with the employer (City or COAERS) subsequent to the Member’s effective date of membership; and
  5. Be physically or mentally incapacitated for the performance of ALL employment duties; and
  6. Have an incapacitation for all job duties which is expected to be permanent.

** Members who are terminated from City employment for inability to perform all employment duties must make application for disability retirement benefits within 90 days of termination. It is the member’s responsibility to confirm his/her date of termination and to apply for disability retirement benefits within the 90-day period. If you are not sure of your date of termination, it is your responsibility to contact your City department and confirm your date of termination.

Disability Retirement Application

If you meet the above listed criteria, please find the Disability Retirement Packet for completion of application, along with instructions and documentation requirements, here:

Disability Retirement Process and Application


Disability Retirement Application Deadlines

The quarterly deadline dates for completed documentation can be found here:

Documentation DeadlineDisability Hearing Date at Board
 February 7, 2025March 5, 2025
 May 16, 2025June 12, 2025
August 1, 2025August 27, 2025
October 17, 2025November 13, 2025

Your personal and medical information will be held in the strictest confidence. Your completed application will be sent to our medical consultant for review. Our consultant will make a professional recommendation to our Board of Trustees, who will make the final decision on your application. You will be notified when the hearing will take place.

Continuing Proof of Your Disability

Disability retirees are periodically required to provide proof of continued disability by submitting income documentation to our Board of Trustees. Disability retirees will receive a letter about what we need and when it needs to be submitted. If the required documentation is not submitted in a timely manner, your monthly benefit payment could be suspended.