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Pension Payment CalendarCheck mailed March 27Direct deposit March 31

Retirement Eligibility

Your retirement benefits and eligibility date are determined in part by your retirement group, which is determined by your employment date.

If your full-time, regular employment date is before January 1, 2012, you are in Group A. If your full-time regular employment date is on or after January 1, 2012, you are in Group B.

Group A

You are eligible for normal retirement and can receive a monthly benefit payment for life when you meet one of these requirements:

  • You reach age 62**
  • You reach age 55 with 20 years of creditable service;
  • You obtain at least 23 years of creditable service.

Benefits are determined using a multiplier of 3%.

** To retire at age 62, you must:

  • Be an active, contributing member when you turn 62;
  • Be a terminated vested member with at least 5 years of COAERS service credit; or
  • Be a proportionate member with 5 years of combined service credit.

Group B

You are eligible for normal retirement and can receive a monthly benefit payment for life when you meet one of these requirements:

  • You reach age 65 and have at least five years of creditable service; or
  • You reach age 62 with 30 years of creditable service.

Benefits are determined using a multiplier of 2.5%. Reduced early retirement benefits are available for Group B members at age 55 with 10 years of creditable service.